Following my last filming session I think that I have learned a lot, as I understood the necessity for the character to be clearly seen, as well as being able to show the progression of the character's journey within the narrative.
When editing the footage, this made me realise even more the importance of viewing the character face on. I noticed that I could already make connections with the character within the opening few seconds, as the audience isn't left waiting for her appearance for too long. As well as this, I noticed that I didn't have enough footage, as at first I assumed my footage would be useable for at least 3 minutes, however when editing I felt that nearing the end I was running out of footage at only 2 minutes. An aspect that I am slightly anxious about is whether I'm going to be able to create a 4 minute music video that doesn't get boring as it progresses, as now I've completed roughly 2 minutes 30, I feel as though the footage could be too repetitive. To avoid this mishap I'm going to do another filming session in which I'll use a different location to avoid it getting tedious, but inkeeping with the natural environment. I also think that my ending will help to avoid this, as the location will be completely different all together. Another worry is the transaction from the nature environment to a slightly more urban area, I want it to be clear that the character is reaching somewhere she's been looking for, but I'm now wondering how I'll make this clear enough. I'm going to do another shot list and storyboard for the ending to ensure that I avoid these issues.
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