Thursday, 16 February 2012

Filming & Editing 19/02 - 20/02

As the snow had completely cleared by this date and the weather was looking much better I felt it was a suitable time to film. In this filming session my main priority was gaining lip syncing shots as having no lip syncing has been hindering the likeability of my video, causing it to be confusing and misunderstood. I feel this filming session went well as I was able to gain some lip syncing shots of particularly important lines in the song. However, a slight issue I came across was the brightness of the sun as in some shots it made my actress look very pale and denoted a summer season rather than a spring/autumn. To overcome this, if the sun was extremely bright I moved onto other shots that weren't facing towards the light, and filmed the previous shot when the weather was suitable.

Having edited my lip syncing shots into my video I'm beginning to feel more comfortable with my music video, as I've now been able to understand the importance of lip syncing in order to understand/connect with the artist/actress and the themes presented within the song. However, whilst I feel that I've gained a better understanding of the conventions of a music video, I think that more lip syncing shots would be beneficial, as I still feel like it could be lacking in something. Another improvement I feel I could make is gaining some more still shots of my actress, as for the time being I have reused shots in order to avoid any gaps. The lack of storyline appears to be a problem, as whilst I wanted to create a conceptual based video, I feel as though the conceptual idea isn't powerful enough to make my video successful. Thus, I may need to rethink the narrative of it, in order for it to make sense. Having finished the first draft of my music video, I'm going to gain feedback and advice from my teacher and peers, in order to have a successful and completed final draft.

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