Monday, 27 February 2012

New Plan

What do I need to do next?
- Reshoot lip syncing shots
- Shoot more lip syncing shots 0:51, 1:29, 2:17, 2:28, 2:57, 3:13, 3:27
- Reshoot shots of nature - original shots are too dull and dark

28/02 - lip syncing/footage of singer
By filming my actress before I film the footage of nature, I'll be able to edit these promptly and make sure they're suitable to use in my final piece. If unfortunately they aren't at a suitable standard, I can arrange another filming session early before the deadline in order to allow myself enough time to edit and complete it.
06/02 - shots of nature
I have chosen to shoot these shots on this day as I'm definitely free, however if I become free on an earlier date I'll shoot them before. As I don't need anyone to help me shoot these I'm less worried about when to gain these shots as I can get them whenever I'm available and have access to equipment. However, these shots need to be taken on a sunny day, as my specific intention is to gain brighter and more enticing shots.
13/02 - draft of media evaluation & final edits to practical work

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